National Guardian ad litem Reform

National reform and help for those dealing with Guardians ad litem

Tag: Constitution

Connecticut – I’m hoping that the four hours I spent in jail – may make a difference

Many thanks Jerry! This has been a very important week here in this state in the area of family court reform.

In summary:

In 2009, I was forced under the threat of imprisonment to liquidate my sons’ college funds to pay a corrupt GAL who did nothing to help my sons. $28,000 was paid to this GAL – who did next to nothing.

In March of 2012, we had another incident where my ex-wife abused my sons, one of whom has autism – all of it captured on police station surveillance video. I approached the family court with this video and asking them to help me protect my sons – but I did not want my ex-wife to have no contact, because I didn’t believe that was needed or that it would be beneficial to my sons.

A new GAL was assigned to my case, and she immediately demanded I seek full physical custody – which I explained to her would not help my sons, especially the one with autism, and was not needed. They needed to see their mother and I had no right to interfere with that relationship – I just wanted her to follow court orders and to be able to make decisions in their actual best interests. Upon hearing this, the GAL cut off all contact with me and ignored me, while continuing to completely ignore ongoing violations of court orders by the ex-wife and as she worked to cover up yet another incident of abuse of my sons.

This GAL billed $26,000 for spending less than three hours with my sons, which neither I nor my ex-wife could afford to pay. I already took out everything I could from my retirement to pay her and my attorneys. I found out recently that my ex-wife was forced to sign over the child support checks I gave her to this GAL – who has no children of her own and has never raised a child. She has never practiced family law. She is not even registered to do business in this state.

Last October, the court issued orders finding that I was right – that my ex abused my sons. And then without a required financial hearing, or any motion before the court asking it make changes, the judge doubled my child support, ordered I pay 2/3 of the GAL’s fees and $7,500 to my ex’s attorney. In essence, financially rewarding my ex for abusing my sons.

In October, this GAL, without any prior compliant or notice, ran to court and demanded that the court order my ex and I to pay her everything we owed her, immediately. My ex worked out a sweetheart deal, because her attorney is also a GAL and a member of the AFCC. They garnished her wages at $50/week.

For me – the head of our state courts’ “Family Commission” targeted me. The now FORMER GAL, who withdrew from our case, filed a Motion for Contempt, hired an attorney to threaten and harass me with jail if I didn’t pay, and issued a subpoena seeking all of my bank statements.

All of this was completely illegal, unconstitutional and without any basis in state law, regulation or the Practice Book. Because the now FORMER GAL, had no standing in my family case to file or do anything.

All of this fell on deaf ears as Judge Bozzuto worked to railroad me to jail as quickly as possible. All of our motions were ignored, the fact that we had two appeals that stayed everything, was ignored. Due process and the proper scheduling and hearing of motions, was ignored.

On November 21st, without me being present as I had to care for my sons, Judge Bozzuto walked into a hearing with orders already in hand. She came into the courtroom with hanging orders – she talked for SIX PAGES of the transcript without either counsel saying a word or having an opportunity to be heard. She made up “facts” and made comments about me that had no basis in any evidence before the court. She focused only on what I was bringing home and now the draconian costs the court imposed on me – which made it mathematically impossible to pay what was ordered and to care for my sons.

She issued a capias against me with a $9,600 purge, which no attorney who saw it could believe or ever saw before. I spent a night in a hotel room to avoid a marshal and being arrested and taken away in front of my sons and family.

After hiring a new attorney, we negotiated with the marshals to have me turn myself in this past Wednesday morning, and with a 60 Minutes camera crew filing the event. This so my sons would not be impacted, as on Wednesdays they go back to my mother. Prior to this, we lived in constant fear that a marshal would knock on the door and take me away – leaving no one to be able to care for my sons, especially my son with autism.

On Wednesday morning, I was handcuffed and put in leg shackles. I was paraded into court in front of Judge Bozzuto, whose first words were her surprise and amazement that after two weeks I couldn’t come up with the $9,600 purge amount.

My attorney fired back, and informed her that she had no legal standing or authority to have me incarcerated. As an expert in appeals, her forcefully cited state law and the Practice Book – illustrating that as we had two pending appeals, everything at the trial court level was automatically stayed, and what she did in allowing the contempt hearings to continue, was illegal.

After some very tense moments where she threatened the attorney, she said she wanted to review the case and continued it for the next day. She ordered me released – but there was even a moment where she left it unclear as to whether I was still incarcerated or not.

The next day, in front of news media, with 60 Minutes sitting in the courtroom, and many supportive parents and court watchers, she backed down. She agreed to wait until the Appeal’s ruled on the appeals and “temporarily vacated” the capias against me.


What is before the Appeal’s Court, for the very first time, is the question of whether the GAL’s fees are attorney’s fees or “in the nature of child support.” If they are attorney’s fees, I win and the GAL will have no option other than to go across the street and pursue her fees in civil court – where this belongs. If this is ruled as support payments, then I lose, and the question becomes why aren’t the GALs payments added as part of the child support guidelines worksheet?

We also filed a federal lawsuit against the judge, the GAL and her attorney – citing violations of my Constitutional rights and state and federal debt collection laws.

I’m hoping that the four hours I spent in jail – may make a difference.

Peter Szymonik

Glastonbury, CT

National Guardian ad litem Alert (NatGALert) supports Peter in what he is trying to accomplish in Connecticut. Peter has been in the forefront of Family Court reform in that state. If you have been threatened by your Guardian ad litem we encourage you to contact us at of find us on Facebook.

Phone 207-370-9801 (open 24/7)

Maine – Child Custody – An appeal to Maine’s Supreme Court: Dalton Vs. Dalton CUM-13-521

You are going to have ring side seats in this conflict that is being appealed to the supreme court in Maine. The link provided brings you to a piece giving a general overview of what is going on. On this page there is a link to the appeal that was submitted a little over a week ago. The ideas in the appeal may be applied to cases in any state.

It isn’t often that most people have a chance to read an actual divorce and custody story that is being appealed to Maine’s Supreme Court, as we write this.  Child custody appeals are relatively rare. Most people, who might wish to appeal, are intimidated by the process; many are discouraged by lawyers, who don’t wish to offend a lower court judge by asking a higher court to intervene and correct a decision. Then, there is the huge amount of work involved and the not inconsiderable expense.

The process starts with a heartfelt disagreement with a lower court judgment and with the handling of the law in that court. It requires courage to challenge a family court judgment. It also always embodies a determined love of one’s child (children). In effect the appellant is very publicly saying – but in polite legal language – to the court, “You are dead wrong!  Your judgment is not only unfair but badly arrived at. The tools you are using and the reasoning process are seriously defective!  I strongly protest!”  How a skilled attorney approaches this problem and chooses the most important issues out of a welter of possible “plots, subplots and very involved stories” is a matter of legal judgment. Most of us, as parents and family would get lost in a morass of the details that go into a custody fight. The enclosed brief of this particular case demonstrates the vitally necessary partnership between lawyer and client. It is a union of “heart and courage” and ”head” – the level, focused intellectual crafting of the case essentials by a lawyer. It will be, I guarantee you, a most interesting and informative “read”.

We’ve been hearing from family members some of the unbelievable details of this case, Dalton vs Dalton, for just over a year. We have held our breath each time there has been a court hearing, hoping for fairness, for a reasonable turn of events, for a review of hard facts and for correction of a frightening nightmare of misperception being acted out in court. But the process seemed only to get worse as time went on. The extreme and inaccurate views of the court and a Guardian ad litem have, unfortunately, become ever more rigidly entrenched. Hence, the difficult decision to appeal.

We have to say, in no way to diminish this very troubling case, that from our experience with many other friends, the clumsy handling of this case in this court is, unfortunately, by no means unique. This case is a poster child for other very similar cases, and it is an urgent clarion call for urgently needed Family Court Reform in Maine. Like most Family Courts in America today, Maine’s courts are in the views of many, badly broken, dysfunctional and urgently in need of reconceptualization and reconstruction. They have lost their moorings in the law, and they are cruelly hurting many of the families and children that they are supposed to serve.

Please, read the enclosed pdf with the details of the Supreme Court Appeal and see what you think.  By all means, share it with friends and legal professionals.  Ask the questions: “Is this how our courts should function?  Is this your image of what you would expect from a court in a democratic society?”

Finally, who is in charge, where’s the oversight?

To view the case click on the link – Dalton Vs. Dalton CUM-13-521

For more information please contact or find us on Facebook

Father says No to Childs demand of McDonalds – and loses visitation

What should have been a Happy Meal has turned out to be anything but for this New York father in a hotly contested divorce case. The court appointed shrink Dr. Marilyn Schiller is branding the child’s father as being incapable of caring for his 4-year old son for refusing McDonalds.

The father is fighting back against Dr. Schiller for defaming his character.

On October 30, 2013 father and son were preparing to go out for dinner. The son demanded McDonalds and the father said no. According to reports that son then “threw a temper tantrum” for being denied the Golden Arches. The fathers reasoning for refusal was that he felt his son had been eating too much junk food. So like any good parent he offered his son two options –

1. Pick another restaurant
2. No dinner at all

His son chose the later and upon retuning back to his mother told on his dad. The mom promptly told Dr. Marilyn Schiller who in turn reported this incident to the presiding judge. Dr. Schiller made the recommendation of having the fathers visitation time reduced. Refusing a child McDonalds must be like burning a child with a cigarette, abusing a child or some other life altering event – at least according to Dr. Schiller.

Who is right here? The father for trying to be a good parent and not giving into the demands of a child and “exercising reasonable parental prerogatives”? Or the court appointed psychologist for recommending a more restricted visitation schedule as a result of not giving into the demands of a 4-year old? If the court appointed psychologist is right in her reasoning that denying McDonalds will cause so much harm to this child that the father’s time needs to be restricted then many who are reading this have been hurt by our parents refusal to take us to McDonalds when young. What does it say about the Mayor of New York – Bloomburg – who is trying to curb the unhealthy eating choices that New Yorkers make – like McDonalds and other artery clogging eating establishments –  that he is so much against. Would Bloomburg be considered a bad parent?

Although this is an extreme example of what is wrong with the family court system (the divorce industry, Guardians ad litem and other family court leaches) it does call into question about who really knows what is best for our children. In this case it appears Dr. Schiller and the mom knows what is best (sarcasm intended) – by giving into the demands of a 4-year old. The father does not (again sarcasm intended) because he refused as a parent to give in to his son, his child. What is the lesson that we can take away from this – that as a parent you do what your child wants – no matter how much it goes against your core values as a person or parent. Because if you don’t the courts will take what is precious to you as they know what is best (sarcasm intended).

By the way – the mother took her son to McDonalds – reinforcing her sons bad behavior and the opinion of Dr. Schiller.

For support please contact us at or like us on Facebook.

For further reading on this case:
Yahoo! Shine
NY Daily News